Step into Leadership with Confidence and Super Charge Your Effectiveness in 10 Sessions!

Many leaders admit to feeling alone, not quite sure who to turn to having been promoted into a new role. Let’s be honest- you’re expected to know what you’re doing- that’s why you were appointed! And, can you really afford to ask the team when they’re looking at you for direction?

And then there’s the growing doubt…
Perhaps you’re actually not qualified for this job. You might be asking: What if this is all a terrible mistake, I can’t do it, I’m a fake, and it’s a just matter of time and I’ll be found out!

I hear you and you’re not alone. Over 70% of people, at some point in their lives, experience these feelings of self- doubt and inadequacy. It’s called Imposter Syndrome.

And it’s happened to me..
I stepped into a leadership role with very limited experience. It just so happened that the company at the time had reached a breaking point, culminating in the resignation of the CEO. Being the next in line, I had a choice to make and I accepted the leadership position.

The long and short of the story, it was hard work, stressful and lonely! The company was in debt, key senior staff had resigned, a retrenchment process was underway, and the sustainability of the organization was at stake. Within three months- focussed and resolute, we were out of the woods and back in business!

Years later, I looked back on that experience…
Does it really have to be that way? Definitely not!

And so, I was inspired to set up a platform to support leaders navigate their way with confidence and clarity!
How would it feel to be supported; to share this burden of responsibility and know that you’ve got it in hand? Imagine having a clear vision and a competent team that can get the job done. You are bold, brave and can 100% back yourself!

Step into leadership with confidence
and super charge your effectiveness with 10 hours of one- on- one coaching and an online self- study.
Register for Take the Lead and get started today!

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Develop your unique leadership style with confidence
  • Map out a plan of action to achieve your leadership goals
  • Learn different tools and techniques to strengthen your leadership capabilities

 What you’ll get:

  • Ten one- on one online coaching sessions (1 hr each), via Google Meet. These can be self- scheduled via our online booking app 
  • The online course comprises ten learning modules, released every second week over a five- month period. You’re encouraged to complete two modules per month, setting aside two hours per module
  • You have access to the course for twelve months so you’re free to manage your schedule
How would it feel to… 

Cost: R21 000,  R2 100/ session
Register now and get started today!
Take the Lead Online Course

Sign up and receive an EXTRA BONUS module: “What’s Your Personality Got to Do with It!

Still considering…
How about a Meet- Before- You- Commit?
Feel free to book a 1/2hr consultation for free!

Take the Lead is perfect for you if you’re:

  • Willing to stay curious, open- minded and open- hearted
  • Action oriented and able to apply your learning
  • Invested in personal development
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