Lead with Confidence and Clarity in 5 Weeks

Are you in the grip of self-doubt?
You’re up for the challenge but not sure if you’re “good enough”, “smart enough” or “experienced enough?”

How would it feel to be supported, knowing that you have someone to turn to?

Imagine leading your team with confidence and clarity, standing firm in the power of your greatness!


If you’ve recently been promoted, changed roles or started a new job, you may be wondering if you’ve got what it takes…
The good news, you’re not alone!
At least 70% of people experience feelings of inadequacy at some point in their life, including leaders.
We’ve got your back and believe in you!

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Leverage your key strengths to supercharge your leadership
  • Create a picture of success that will keep you focused on the big picture
  • Overcome imposter syndrome
  • Build your confidence
  • Manage your stress to keep you calm, connected and leadership- wise

What you’ll get:

  • One online coaching session (1 hr), via Google Meet. This can be self- scheduled via our online booking app  https://calendly.com/lifeandlimn/consultation-1-hour
  • The online course comprises five modules, released every week over a five-week period. You’re encouraged to complete one module per week, setting aside 1-2 hours per module
  • You have access to the course for three months so you’re free to manage your own schedule
  • The coaching credit (1-1 coaching session) is valid for a 2 month period (from date of enrollment)
  • The course is not refundable nor transferable.

How would it feel to

Lead with Confidence and Clarity is perfect for you if you’re:

  • Looking for a boost in confidence
  • Looking for greater clarity and direction
  • Committed to professional development

Are you holding yourself back or ready to TAKE THE LEAD?

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